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Soft Skills

Soft skills are very important for students when they interact with recruiters or any individual in the society, in general. To enhance their Soft Skills, college integrates Soft Skills classes with the university curriculum. Many activities are organised to teach them the importance of these skills and how to master them. It is mandatory for students to attend these sessions along with the regular curriculum classes. College has a dedicated communication skills lab and highly qualified staff to cater student’s needs. Moreover, T&P CELL organized various workshops, Seminar and Expert Talks in the college campus to forge these skills.

Life Skills

To teach and practice life skills among Students, College set up dedicated cells. Through NSS Cell, many blood donation camps has been organised in college campus. In such camps students voluntarily participate and help needy people through local NGOs. Students also take part in Tree Plantations for making our environment clean and green. They learn the importance of making the environment safe for us and our future generation through these recurring events. Through Human Values cells, college introduces great personalities who serve the society in diverse ways to students. Such interactions play a key role to develop the overall character and charisma of our students.

ICT Skills

To improve student’s computing skills, college did MOU with many good companies. An MOU with Oracle is focused mainly programs that can improve students’ abilities for application development. Another similar MOU with IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial allows our students to have certification programs related to latest software technologies. Similarly, as a part of NPTEL Local Chapter our students are able to upgrade their skill set by doing MOOC courses from various NITs and IITs. In addition, under the partnership programs with Red Hat our students can learn various programming languages like C, C++, JAVA, Oracle etc. Apart from this, many workshops and seminars are conducted both in online and offline mode to upgrade the required skills. In these events many great achievers from academia and industry interact with students and share their expertise with students
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