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Academics Rules and Regulations

1. Registration of all the students will be done on priority base in the start of every new session. It will be completed within the first week of new session. (Duty of class in-charge)

2. The anti-ragging form will be filled from all the students and the record must be maintained by each department (Duty of class In-charge)

3. Registration of the Student who is absent continuously for 07 working days from the Institution without the sanction of any leave / or without passing any information to the concerned HOD/Authority; such students shall invite strict action against them and their Registration shall be struck off by the concerned HOD immediately forthwith, from College Rolls. Class-teacher is bound to inform the names of such students, both, to the Director and Dean (Ac), through his/her HOD such students will have to seek Re-registration with the permission of the Director and that too after paying the Re-registration Fee of Rs. 1000/-.(Duty of Class In-charge to inform to HOD & the HOD to inform to Dean (Ac) and to the Director, in writing)

4. Class have to fill the choice form of elective course in the semester from the students at the start of every semester (Duty of class In-charge)

5. Each department have to prepare the department Academic planner for every session in their department. (Duty of HODs)

6. Choice allocation of course form will also be filled by all departments in every semester. (Duty of HODs)

7. All Teachers of respective department must aware the students regarding the Institute vision/mission, Department vision/mission, Program Educational Objectives, Program Outcomes, Program Specific Outcomes, Theory Course Outcomes, Lab Course outcomes before start teaching of course in the semester. (Duty of Course In-charge)

8. All the teachers must prepare the CO-PO/PSO matrix mapping sheet of their respective course that they are teaching in the semester. (Duty of Course In-charge)

9. All the teachers of the respective department must identify the gaps in the syllabus or content beyond the syllabus of their respective course that they are teaching in the semester. The “Gaps/ Content beyond the syllabus” must be covered by the Resource person in between the semester to the students and the proper documentation must be maintained by the Course In-charge (Duty of Course In-charge & HOD)

10.All the teachers of respective department must give the Assignments, Tutorials, Quiz, Make Up Test, Mid Semester Tests as per the NBA designed formats to the students of their department. The different level of assignments have to be given to students in class as per bloom taxonomy process (Duty of Course In-charge & HOD)

11. All the teachers of respective departments must fill out the course survey exit and lab survey exit form from the students after the completion of the course (Duty of Course In-charge)

12. All the teachers of the respective department must prepare the CO-PO attainment sheets of their course as well as for Labs as per the designed formats at the end of the course & Lab. It must be signed by HOD and Dean Academics. (Duty of Course In-charge & HOD)

13. It is the primary duty of all the teachers of the respective department to prepare the Course File of their respective course taught by them in the semester strictly as per the framed “Contents of File and formats”. It must be signed by HOD and Dean Academics (Duty of Course In-charge & HOD)

14. All the teachers of the respective department must follow the recommended teaching pedagogies & Active Learning Strategies in their teaching-learning process.(Duty of Course In-charge & HOD)

15. A teacher must reach the Class-Room/Laboratory etc. at least 2 to 3 minutes in advance, before the start of lecture and leave the classroom only after the arrival of next Lecturer. Be fully prepared with the lecture, and do not just while-away the precious time (which is very much likely to happen, in case, you have not prepared your lecture, fully well).

16. Lab In-charges have to update the notice boards with all essential information of all their respective labs in every session/ Semester (Duty of Lab In-charge)

17. The departmental Notice board must be updated with all essential information at the start of every new semester and timely share all the information throughout the semester( Duty of HOD)

18. (a) To make themselves most adorable, respected & beloved teachers amongst their students teachers must recommend, only the top standard books and they themselves must also study and prepare their lectures and Notes etc. (if Notes are to be given) also from these top books only, while prescribing and recommending these books to the students. (b) Know each student of your class by name to ensure live and affectionate links. (c) Promote & encourage enquiry and participation by students in the class lecture/debates/academics and all other activities. (d) Satisfy both the best as well as the weakest student(s) in your class. (e) Total honesty & commitment to work and accountability of high order. (f) Participate in your student activities.

19. (a) Teacher I/Cs in Laboratories are responsible to deliver Lab. Instructions (about the theory and the background/underlined philosophy) for every specific experiment to be conducted in the concerned lab. It is their responsibility to guide the students about the step-by-step procedure for each experiment and the logics of the experiment as to why we are conducting it? What are its benefits? What is the mission of this “experiment” etc.? And further, advise the students to write the comments/discussion for each specific experiment, on the basis of experimental results obtained by them for the Practical conducted by them.(Responsibility of each Lab. Teacher) (b) Teachers must not simply append their signatures on the Lab. Reports without a thorough appraisal of the Comments and Discussion written by the students on the Results obtained in respect of each and every Lab Report as envisaged and desired vide this Office Order. Please do read details of this most important Office Order, thoroughly. Teachers must prepare Instruction Sheets, for the Lab. Experiments which must be pasted on hard card-board etc. and publicly displayed in the laboratories. (Responsibility of all Lab Teachers)

20. Lab. Assistant are responsible to maintain and assure 100% excellent functional status of all Experimental Set-ups/ Laboratory Infrastructure in their Laboratory. They will be held responsible for any lapses in their respective laboratories. In case, the experimental set-ups are found nonfunctional, during laboratory-class-hours, then it shall be construed as a gross negligence of duty on the part of Technical supporting staff. (Responsibility of technical supporting staff Lab. Astt.).

21. (a) Time Table of the College is to be strictly followed without any lapse. (b) No one is authorized to disturb/change the Institute Time Table except OI/c Time Table. If Unavoidable & essential, then concerned HOD must take prior – approval from OI/c Time Table and the amendment must be notified and circulated to Director/all teachers by the OI/C Time-Table only. (Responsibility of all faculty members).

22. (a) Sessional Examinations form a part of teacher-taught interaction just like the other Theory/Laboratory/Tutorial classes. So 04 lectures must be added to the total number of scheduled lectures on account of 02 Sessional Tests held (if each Test is of 2 hrs duration) (i) A student may be awarded @ 2 lectures for each Sessional Test in which he/she has appeared (i.e., 02 lectures if a student appeared in one Sessional Test only, and 04 lectures if a student appeared in all the two Sessional Tests) (ii) In fact, teachers must make a column of 02 attendances in their regular Attendance page of their Registers, for each Sessional Test held in respect of the subjects taught by them, and on the date, on which their Sessional Tests are held. (Responsibility of each teacher) (b) No fake attendance is given by any teacher to any student. Attendance is given only after physically engaging the lecture/laboratory Class for full period, even if a single student is present. In case only a few’ or even if a single student comes to attend the class, then he/she must be taught the next topic/next Lab. Experiment, and the topics/Lab. Experiments covered for these few or even for one/single student must not be repeated again, in the class. (Responsibility of the teacher) (c) Attendance be announced by each teacher, fortnightly, in the class, for those Students only who are negligent/or, are falling short of lectures, underwritten intimation to Dean (Ac) & on CNBs (d) The monthly Attendance of the students is required to be filled-up after each month by the concerned subject teacher on the last working-day of the month in the Office of HOD on the prescribed Proforma and it be loaded every month on the Internet/Website also, too. (Duty of HOD & concerned teacher)

23. (a) All Heads are to collect Attendance Registers (complete in all respects as per guidelines) within 02 days of the last date of conduct of “Viva-Voce Examination/3rd Internal Tests” whichever occurs later. Counter-foils of Viva-Voice Awards and that of the Final Sessional Awards to be sent to the University must be pasted/glued by each teacher on the same page in the Attendance Register on which the Sessional Awards have been worked out. At the end of Academic Session, all Records and Attendance Register must be collected by the concerned HOD from the Faculty, before allowing any one of them to proceed on Summer/Winter Break, or on STTPs or on any other kind of leave……….(Duty of HOD & he/she is to further pass on/transfer the “fully completed” Attendance Registers to the Dean (Ac). (Responsibility of HODS & Dean (Ac) (b) Dean (Ac) and the concerned HOD(s) must got PTU Examination Forms filled up and collected from the students proceeding on 06 month Training Semester, before they proceed for training, preferably during the on-going PTU Examination of the preceding Semester itself and get the Regular PTU Examination Forms filled up for all other Semesters for the next Session, on the 1st day of the start of the next Semester. (c) Thoroughly scrutinized Sessional Awards and Viva-Voce Awards are transferred to PTU before time (Duty of Dean Academics)

24. Remedial Class of students must be conducted every semester in all the departments who are failed in the MST-1 and have poor class performance. The concerned teachers of remedial classes must maintain the records (Responsibility of HOD/each teacher)

25. Teaching Feedback form of the faculty must be filled from all the students of the respective department. The corrective action report must be filled and submit to HOD. (Duty of class In-charge & HOD)

26. Feedback based on curriculum and infrastructure facilities will be filled annually by all the stakeholders of the departments (Duty of class In-charge &HOD)

27. Value added courses and Soft skills must be ensured to conduct in every semester by all the departments(Duty of HOD)

28. Syllabus coverage report and undertaking of faculty of completions of syllabus reports must be prepared by all the department as per routine exercise in every semester. (Duty of HOD)

29. Internals must be prepared timely by all the departments at the end of every semester before the date bound by Dean Academics and thoroughly scrutinized from the committee. After scrutinizing it will upload on university portal by all the departments (Duty of HOD)
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