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Courses for Cross-Cutting Issuess

Institution integrates crosscutting issues into the Curriculum relevant to

#Professional Ethics
#Human Values
#Environment and Sustainability

Human Values & Professional Ethics (HVPE-101)

The course encourages students to discover what they consider valuable. Accordingly, they should be able to discriminate between valuable and the superficial in real situations in their life. The course also emphasizes the awareness related to the critical ability to distinguish between essence and form, in life – this ability is to be developed not for a narrow area or field of study, but for everyday situations in life, covering the widest possible canvas.

Environmental Science (EVSE 101)

The course covers the local, regional and global environmental problems related to use and over-exploitation of recourses. It also describes the threats to global biodiversity, their implications and potential solutions from unsustainable to sustainable development.

Foundation Course in Humanities (Development of Societies/Philosophy) (HSMC 101-18)

The Course provides the evaluation from a holistic perspective along with the thorough understanding of social, political, economic chronology or development in human being and society. This develops strong natural familiarity humanities along with right understanding enabling them to eliminate conflict and strife in the individual and society.

Constitution of India (BTMC 101-18) and Essence of Indian Traditional Knowledge (BTMC 102-18)

The Course provides the contents associated to constitution law and constitutionalism under the Scheme of the Fundamental Right to Equality (Gender discrimination). The course also provides the salient features, fundamental rights, fundamental duties and legal status of the Constitution of India.

Mentoring and Professional Development Course

The mentoring course is divided in two sections i.e. outdoor activities and class activities. The class activities contain general awareness on cross-cutting issues and current affairs via seminars tutorials and workshops, whereas, outdoor activities include various camps and drives which are associated with different clubs of the college i.e. NSS, NCC, Fine arts club, ISTE student chapter, theatre club, sports and cultural activities etc.

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