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Khalsa College of Engineering and Technology has excellent separate Hostel facilities for boys and girls. The hostel is in a separate spacious and airy 4 storied building, is located within the college campus. Students are monitored by wardens in both hostels. Available facilities in both boys and girls hostels include:


  • Spacious, well-ventilated, and well-lighted rooms with cots, tables, chairs, and fans.
  • Hygenic kitchen and dining hall where wholesome vegetarian food is served.
  • Generation backup to ensure uninterrupted power supply during study hours. 
  • Wi-Fi facility.
  • TV Room facility.
  • Pure drinking water from the RO plant.
  • Solar water heater for hot water during winter.
  • Playgrounds of the college near the hostel.
  • CCTV Surveillance. 


Khalsa College of Engineering and Technology has excellent separate Hostel facilities for boys and girls. The hostel is in a separate spacious and airy 4 storied building, is located within the college campus. Students are monitored by wardens in both hostels. Available facilities in both boys and girls hostels include:

Closure of main gate of Hostels:
  • It is mandatory for all the hostelites to possess the identification card duly signed and issued by the Hostel authorities. It is directed to produce on request by Security.
  • The college campus gates will be closed by 9.00 P.M(summer) & 8.00 P.M(winter) for boys living in the hostels and the gates of the Girls hostel will be closed by 7.15P. M(Summer) & 6.00 P.M (Winter). The gates will be reopened only at 6.00 A.M.
  • Any hostelite coming late after the closure of the gates in the night, shall call the respective Wardens for permission to entry into the hostels. If permission is granted they shall surrender the Hostel ID to the security & record the reason for late coming in the late night register.
  • Repeated late comings will be brought to the notice of the parents & further course of disciplinary action will be initiated.
  • The ID cards surrendered to the security shall be collected from their respective Wardens the next day.
  • The time between 10.00 P.M. to 6.00 A.M. (Boys ) 10.00 P.M to 6 .00 A. M ( Girls ) is exclusively meant for study and sleep. No indoor games, radio or tapes, Computer speakers, etc., at high volume or any other kind of disturbances by the hostelites causing inconvenience to other hostelites or outsiders, is strictly prohibited. Also during these hours, hostelites shall avoid visiting other hostelites.
  • If a student goes out of the Hostel for more than 24 hours or on leave etc. he/she must inform & take prior written permission from their respective Wardens, HOD & the same shall be entered in the register maintained for the purpose.

 The hostelites must compulsorily sign in the attendance register brought to their room, by the security, after closure of main gates. (For Girls)

Visitors Entry:
  • No hostelite shall permit any outsider in the room, The visitors or guests are permitted only during day time with the permission of their respective wardens.
  • The visit of boy students to the girls Hostel and vice versa is prohibited.
  • Visitors are not permitted in the common areas of the hostels like Gym, TV lounge, indoor games area, Bathroom, Toilet etc., Any visitor found inside the hostels after 6.00 P.M. shall be sent out by the security and the hostelite permitting such unauthorized guest will be penalised.
  • The parents/guardian or any family member of a hostelite may be permitted by the Warden/secretary in the rooms of the hostelite, when request is made in advance by the concerned hostelite. Security shall make a note of such entries in the register provided for the said purpose

T.V. Room Timings:

  • The T.V. Lounge/ T.T. Room will be OFF at 10.00 P.M. except when permitted by the wardens on special occasions. Except hostelites no outsiders are allowed inside the TV room. Any hostelites found responsible for bringing any outsiders inside the hostels, suitable action will be initiated immediately. The same will be informed to their parents.
  • All hostelites should ensure that the common areas in the hostel complex or common areas around the floor of the hostel always remain vacant and not obstructed or hindered in any manner.
  • No commercial or any other activity shall be permitted in the hostels in the covered or open areas of the premises.
  • It is prohibited to throw garbage, trash or any other things outside the hostel through the windows/balconies. All such waste materials shall be dropped separately in the dustbins kept at the corners of all the wings of the hostels. The housekeeping staff engaged by the hostel collects garbage every day and dispose of the same.

    Code Of Conduct:

    • All hostelites should ensure that the common areas in the hostel complex or common areas around the floor of the hostel always remain vacant and not obstructed or hindered in any manner.
    • No commercial or any other activity shall be permitted in the hostels in the covered or open areas of the premises.
    • It is prohibited to throw garbage, trash or any other things outside the hostel through the windows/balconies. All such waste materials shall be dropped separately in the dustbins kept at the corners of all the wings of the hostels. The housekeeping staff engaged by the hostel collects garbage every day and dispose the same. Students will pay the fine who are found guilty.
    • Playing of Football, Cricket and such other games which may cause damage to glass panels and properties, damage to vehicles and which may cause injury to any person is strictly prohibited in common or covered areas inside the premises. Students will pay the fine who are found guilty.
    • Hostelites are required to avoid singing aloud, shouting and making any type of noise likely to distract the attention of those who may be at their books or the neighbors or visitors.
    • Protection of the hostel property is also the responsibility of the inmates. The hostelites are responsible to safeguard the materials of newspapers and periodicals, sports goods, Water purifiers, coolers, telephones, computer equipment, T.V. or any other property of the hostel. Students will pay the fine who are found guilty.
    • The Hostelits are not permitted to convene meetings to attempt signature campaigns of any sort in the hostel. Every room is provided with internet connectivity, unauthorized access to internet will lead to seizure of their computer/laptops.
    • Hostelites should strictly observe the normal rules of morality, conduct and behavior in their daily life and should not indulge in any activity unbecoming of students of this hostel. Violation of the rules & regulations will be informed to their parents, Secretary, respective H.O.D.s & the Principal.

    Activities Banned/ Forbidden: 

    • Indulging in ragging or interference of any other kind is strictly prohibited. Any violation of this rule entails expulsion from the Hostel and action will be taken as per law. When a student is expelled from the hostels, such students shall not be entitled for any refunds from the hostel/mess.
    • Hostelites are permitted to celebrate birthday parties inside his/her own room without any disturbance to other students of hostels. Cleanliness of room will be done by his/her own.
    • They are barred from handling, tampering, fiddling with any equipment, scribbling on walls or displaying obscene & vulgar pictures or paintings, bursting of crackers are forbidden and are liable for disciplinary action.
    • Smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages or intoxicated drugs, playing cards or any kind of gambling, keeping of any dangerous drugs or weapons, performing experiments in the hostels, shouting or causing any kind of disturbances inside or outside the hostel premises are strictly prohibited. Similarly, no pets are allowed to be kept in the hostel premises. The Security is authorized to check the bags of any student at any time for prohibited materials, in case of doubt. The students will pay the fine and be suspended from the hostel who are found guilty.
    • Students shall not enter the Hostel premises in an intoxicated state and should not possess such materials. Depending on the case, the Management reserves the right to take direct disciplinary action, mounting to even expulsion to short notice from the hostel.
    • Students are not permitted to bring the Mess Utensils in their rooms.

    Use of Appliances

    • The use of electrical appliances such as immersion heaters, electric stove / heaters / electric irons are forbidden in any of the rooms allotted the residence. Private cooking in the Hostels /students rooms is strictly forbidden. Such appliances, if found will be confiscated and a fine will be imposed.
    • The use of electrical appliances such as immersion heaters, electric stove / heaters / electric irons are forbidden in any of the rooms allotted the residence. Private cooking in the Hostels / students rooms is strictly forbidden. Such appliances, if found will be confiscated and a fine will be imposed.
    • The use of Audio systems which may cause inconvenience to other occupants are not allowed. The use of personal TV, VCR and VCD/DVD is prohibited. The students should not hire objectionable CDs from outside.
    • When the students go out of their rooms they should switch off all the Fans, lights, PC etc., and keep it locked (at all times). Violation will attract suitable penalties and punishment by the authorities.

    Collective Responsibilities:

    • General damages to the Hostel property will be the collective responsibility of all the Hostelites and they will be required to make good of such damage, if the students who caused the damage could not be identified.
    • Hostelites should not indulge in practices / activities, which may endanger their own personal safety as well as others.
    • Hostelites are required to obey all traffic rules inside the Hostel campus.
    • Hostelites are duty bound to report to the concern wardens, in case they notice any unwanted incidents or undesirable activity going on in the hostel or on the campus.
    • Hostelites are required to park their two wheelers in the space provided for them in an orderly manner by putting the main stand only.
    • Hostelites should not arrange any functions or meetings within the hostel or outside or within the campus without specific permission of concern authorities.
    • Hostelites should not arrange/ participate for any picnic, excursions, trekking and parties outside.
    • Hostelites are required to be conscious of the environment in which they live by keeping it clean, healthy and presentable. Hostelites should not throw litter indiscriminately and should not use non-bio-degradable items, such as plastics materials.
    • The Hostelites are responsible for the safe keeping of their personal belongings. They are advised to keep under lock (preferably a branded one) all valuable items such as laptop, mobile phones, etc. and lock the room even when they move out for a small interval of time.

    Wardens & Member

    Mr. Balvinder Singh
    Designation: Superintendent Warden (Boys Hostel) Mobile: 8070300002

    Mrs . Raspinder Kaur
    Designation: Superintendent Warden (Girls Hostel)
    Mobile: 9418812116

    Mr. Akarshan Uppal
    Designation: Faculty Warden (Boys Hostel)
    Mobile: 7018188635

    Ms. Chanpreet Kaur
    Designation: Faculty Warden (Girls Hostel)
    Mobile: 8427584867






    1.Dr. Manju BalaDirectorChair Person
    2.Dr. G.S.GrewalDean T&PMember
    3.Mr. Balwinder SinghSuperintendent WardenMember
    4.Mrs. Raspinder KaurSuperintendent WardenMember
    5.Mr. Karanbir SinghEstate OfficerMember
    6.Mr. Akarshan UppalAssistant ProfessorMember
    7.Ms. Chanpreet KaurAssistant ProfessorMember
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