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Training & Placement Cell

TPO's Message

Dr. G.S. Grewal
Dean (Training & Placement)
M No :7814747373​

I gladly bring a warm welcome to you on the behalf of Training & Placement Cell of Khalsa College of Engineering and Technology, governed by 127 Year Old KHALSA COLLEGE CHARITABLE SOCIETY, AMRITSAR. The Training and Placement Cell is one of the integral part of our college. Training & Placement activities are organized throughout the year with a view to prepare the students to appear for the campus recruitment process and pool campus recruitment process with Self-confidence. The cell arranges training for students in industries for 6 weeks at the end of 4th Semester and for 6 months in 7th or 8th Semester. All the Engineering Department students undergo minimum 12 weeks for industrial training and minimum 6 weeks for software training for this 6 months of training. There are many reputed companies in which our students got training and placements like TCS, IBM, INFOSYS, Cognizant, HCL, SonalikhaTractors, Mahindra and Mahindra, BHEL, ACCENTURE, WIPRO…etc. The cell organize guest lectures, workshops, seminars, industrial visits for the students and are always striving to strengthen Industrial Interface.

Placement Rules & Regulations

  1. Final year students who are passing out from the Institute by end of the academic year are eligible for Campus Placements. It is Mandatory for all Eligible Students to appear in all the Campus Placement Drives and Joint Campus Placement Drives/Pool Drives as per the information shared with them.
  2. It is the responsibility of the student to check Announcements/Notices/ updated information/ shortlisted names etc. displayed on the notice boards of Placement Office/Department Notice Boards/WhatApp Groups. Students are expected to be on time as per the announcements.
  3. Failure to read the notice board / WhatsApp Message / Website will not be accepted as an excuse for not participating.
  4. The students of final year must be added/ register in the placement WhatsApp group maintained by ATPOS of Department.
  5. It is mandatory for all the register students to participate in the joint campus placement drive/pool campus placement drive. The attendance of students must be recorded by the department ATPOS
  6. Students should properly study the eligibility criteria of the company. The candidate not meeting the eligibility criteria mandatorily asked by the company, would not be allowed to sit for the same.
  7. Students are advised to be dressed in Formals for every Recruitment Drive.
  8. Students should carry a Folder comprising of:
    • Multiple copies of Resume with duly signed by the student
    • Passport size colored Photographs
    • Photocopy of all the Certificates (10th, 12th, Graduation Mark sheets and certificates etc.)
    • College ID card
  9. Students must have to attend Pre-Placement Talks (PPT) by the Company.
  10. Attendance will be taken and only those students who have attended PPT will be allowed to sit for the rest of recruitment process of the said company.
  11. Students must clarify queries/doubts if any related to package, job profile, place of work, bond details etc with the HR officials of the Company during Pre-Placement Talks (PPT)
  12. A student who applies and gets shortlisted is bound to go through the entire selection process unless rejected midway by the company. Any student who withdraws deliberately in the midst of a selection process will be disallowed from placement for the rest of the Academic year.
  13. Backlogs: Students having backlog of 4 or more courses are not permitted for placement drive. Such students are advised to clear the backlogs. The eligibility criteria imposed by the visiting company will be the final.
  14. The eligible / registered students must attend all the training programmes / workshops arranged by department.
  15. Assistant Training placement Officer (ATPO) is the single point of contact for the concerned department Students. For all kinds of clarifications & communications (such as registration for placement assistance, updating the database, etc.,) should be executed through the concerned department ATPOs and HOD.
  16. Students should maintain discipline and show ethical behaviour in every action they take during the placement process. Any student found violating the discipline rules set by the company or defaming the institute’s name will be disallowed from the placements for the rest of the academic year. Students found cheating or misbehaving in the selection process (Test / GD / Interview) will be disallowed from the placements for the rest of the academic year.
  17. The copy of the offer letter is mandatory to submit in the placement office.
  18. Students not registering themselves for Placement from their department ATPOs will be assumed that they are not interested in Placement and are solely responsible of their future employment. The registered students are allowed to appear in campus and joint campus recruitment process
  19. Based on the directions given by the companies, students may be sent to attend pooled campus placement drives in other colleges. Students should inform their parents about the placement process, venue, and timings in advance.

Note: For all matters not covered by the above stated, the Management of the Institute/ the Placement Office will use its own discretion to take appropriate decisions from time to time and case to case Placement Policy for Students of Institute. Moreover, the Institute has full discretion to change/modify the rules from time to time


S.No Department Faculty Representative Department Contact Email
Dr. Supreet Kaur
Er. Vinod Mahajan
Er. Ravinder Kaur
75089 82701
Er. Ravinder Masih
99140 05166
Dr. Jasdeep Singh
94652 78550
Er. Vinod Mahajan


We are delighted to invite your esteemed organization to participate in the placement drive for engineering students at Khalsa College of Engineering & Technology, Amritsar. We are confident that your participation in our placement drive will greatly benefit our students and help them secure successful careers in the industry.

Khalsa College of Engineering & Technology, Amritsar is a leading institute known for producing highly competent and skilled graduates in various disciplines of engineering. We take pride in our students’ academic accomplishments and believe that your organization shares the same passion for excellence as we do.

We invite your organization to participate in our upcoming placement drive. This will be an opportunity for you to recruit some of the brightest and most talented engineering students in our institution. Please let us know if you will be accepting our invitation to participate in our placement drive and the number of job openings you have at your organization. You can fill in the enclosed registration form and send it back to us via email or contact us for further clarifications and information.

Thank you for considering our invitation to participate in our placement drive. We look forward to your active participation in making our event a grand success.

Training & Placement Cell

Training Associate
Contact No-7814747373
Email-Id- tpc.kcet.asr@gmail.com
Linkedin profile link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/trainingplacement-cell-a8a372276/

Our Recruiters


No. of Eligible Students  23595
No. of Job Offers388107
No. of Double Job Offers  3141
No. of Students Placed  23595
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